Vintage Wine, Cars & Furniture: The Most Exclusive Auctions In September, whether your hobby is to acquire one-of-a-kind things or you’re just looking to add to your vintage wine section, auctions are your gateway into a world of exclusivity. Auctions are always a great opportunity to find some unique vintage pieces, raise money for a good cause and more importantly, have some fun. The more exclusive the auction is, the rarer the items are.
For all those interested in attending some of the most exclusive auctions this September, you should mark the following in your calendar.
1. RM Sotheby’s London Auction
If you are a car enthusiast, whether they are vintage Edwardian era ones or modern supercars used today, you must attend the RM Sotheby’s Auction. It will take place in Battersea Park in Central London on the 5th of September, 2018. Sotheby has been in the market of selling luxury items at auctions in London since 1744 and is also the first auction house to go international by opening its offices in New York in 1955. More importantly, Sotheby has thirty-five years of experience in the collector car industry, and now has one of the largest teams of car specialists; these include experts qualified in buying, selling, restoring, racing as well as giving advice on all aspects of this market. Hence, their contribution to the global car collector market has been immense. Their exclusive London event has been considered the most successful in the European car collector market since 2007, as it offers a great selection of rare automobiles to those attending.
Check out the collection of cars available here.
2. Hampel Fine Art Auctions
Being one of Europe’s leading auction houses, Hampel Fine Art Auctions has a lot to offer to those attending this September. Its collection consists of modern pieces of art including those from Asia and Russia, works by some of the most prominent impressionist artists, vintage furniture and collectibles, ceramics and sculptures, as well as some unique watches and jewelry items. The auction takes place on the 26th of September, 2018 at Villa Hampel in Munich.
Find out everything about buying from the auction here.
3. The collection of Count and Countess de Viel Caste
Another exclusive Sotheby auction is taking place on the 12th of September, 2018 in Paris, featuring the collections of artwork and furniture that has remained in the private collection of the historic French family of Count and Countess de Viel Castel for many generations. The collection features sober mahogany furniture showing both the family’s connection to French culture and some 18th-century English influence. Moreover, it includes a pair of architectural Louis XVI cabinets by Leleu, elephant potpourris, and Sèvres candelabras. Other more modern 19th-century work at the auction also features Anselm Kiefer, La Salle des ventes, and other artists of that time.
Get yourself registered here.
4. Vintage Wine Auction
This auction, featuring some of the finest and rarest wines in the world, is taking place on the 19th of September, 2018. This exclusive wine collection features Lafite and Haut Brion 1990, Margaux 1996, Petrus 1989, Petrus 1998, Lafite 2000, Rousseau’s Chambertin 2010 and 2015, and Leroy’s Vosne Romanée Les Beaux Monts 2012. In addition to the exceptional white and burgundy wine collection, the auction will also have an Italian selection showcasing the rare 12-liter bottles of Barolo Monfortino 1952 and 1955 as well as a range of Gaja and Sassicaia. Another rare item in the auction is the twelve bottles of Quinta do Noval Nacional 1963. This will be a great opportunity for all those who are planning to buy rare wine bottles.
View the wine catalog here.
Therefore, if you are looking for some rare pieces to add to your vintage collections, take part in these exclusive auctions happening this September.